Skyscrapers Aren’t Built On Flimsy Foundations. Why Should Your Dreams?


A skyscraper cannot be supported on the foundation of a single-family home, neither literally nor figuratively. When you have BIG dreams and you want your body of work to have impact, especially on the global stage, there can be no compromise to the foundation in the areas that matter most.

Ultimately, your personal life catches up with your public life and we see, time and time again, that the fastest way to be knocked from our pedestal of grace is by not practicing what we preach. Our public relations team and publicist shouldn’t have to weave fantasies about who we are and what we stand for. Inevitably, the truth floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, and causes deep shame and embarrassment for those vested in our story and journey. Sometimes, it can cost us our very lives.

I hope you understand that this post is not about Bill Cosby. The sordid revelations about his life merely constitute  a simple reminder – a cautionary tale – that the fastest way to lose the respect of people is to be found inauthentic regarding our character. It’s one thing for us to know we have issues, but quite another to have them on display for public consumption.

Therefore, quit complaining about how long *the dream* is taking. What is being laid is the foundation of character to receive it. The higher that skyscraper you hope to build – the greater the dreams you have – the deeper the foundation of character must be. Otherwise, it will crumble; it’s just a matter of time.

Indeed, focus on becoming great to yourself first. Nobody knows you better. Then, just as a beacon of light cannot be contained, it’s just a matter of time before the world takes notice.

Moreover, you never truly know. That dream skyscraper could be bigger than even you imagine!


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© 2016 Donna Kassin. All rights reserved.

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