Marriage. Parenting. Heartbreak. Divorce. Death. All have one thing in common: CHANGE. And change is hard. Yet, it is the only thing that is constant in life. We came here on a mission of growth and discovery, all designed to push us toward higher levels of consciousness. And as much as we like to cling to the familiar, life just doesn’t allow it. We are forced to say goodbye to relationships we vowed would last forever — relationships that are such a visceral part of who we are that separating ourselves is akin to ripping apart our very identity. Some things are “supposed to” be there forever. And we grieve, many times in a daze as we try to center ourselves in a future that, sometimes, we can't even yet envision.
There’s a reason babies cry coming out of the womb. Firstly, they're not coming willingly. But secondly, and perhaps more importantly, crying is a critical step to breathing on their own in a new environment. Crying helps to expand the lungs for the vital processes of life and to relieve trauma. Crying could even be part of the purging process to rid the body of what, in a new environment, would constitute toxins, hazardous to good health.
Navigating a significant life change is really no different, if we think about it. Essentially, we have to land on our feet somewhere, where many times we are being pushed. Our very survival depends on it. Every significant change or challenge we face in this life is just another leg of the journey. And growing pains are, well, painful. Many a new mother has shed tears over finding herself in unfamiliar territory she thought she could handle better. Many an abandoned wife or husband has shed tears, navigating treacherous territory that (s)he never envisioned having to cross alone. But this is life, and we will thrive if we understand the signposts. Moreover, do not miss the lesson: You have an appointment with destiny. Nothing is just randomly happening. You are being stretched. And inasmuch as childbirth is painful, so is spiritual rebirth. So, breathe into the pain — just as Lamaze classes teach women to do. You are giving birth — to the new you!"
Elephants and Epiphanies is an embrace of the lessons I have learned along the journey toward the new me — a bold and empowered truth-seeker whose ultimate goal is to become the best version of myself and leave nothing on the table when I exit this world. I have confronted dark secrets that have been illuminated by epiphanies, often in the form of painful, thoughtful, inspiring, even funny revelations about myself, family, and life. I share what I now know for sure in this labor of love with the hope that it will challenge you to confront your own "elephants." May its uncompromising truths help to set you free.
Shame is quite distinct from the "feelings" it generates, which is why dealing with feelings is often a temporary fix. The powerful, true, and sometimes funny stories in Elephants and Epiphanies™ provide such keys to unlock and transport our higher selves toward a more authentic, successful, and fulfilling life. This book will help millions of readers. Why not you?

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